– July 22,2011


By: Carol Clemans

Your marriage is an open book that is read by your children and others. What are they learning from you? God created marriage on earth when he formed Eve out of the rib of Adam in the Garden of Eden. When God presented Eve to Adam, he must have said, “Wow! Look what God has given to me!” The Bible describes Jesus as a Bridegroom who was willing to die in the flesh to ‘purchase’ His Bride (The Bride = believers who choose to follow Him through a new birth experience and commitment to love and serve Him until He returns for His Bride). God came in the flesh. He laid down His life on the cross. This is sacrificial love.

In Ephesians the 5th chapter we have the blueprint of a healthy marriage. A husband is to love his wife as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her. I love the Lord because He first loved me. When a wife is loved with gentleness, kindness and consideration, she automatically responds lovingly. When we sow love and kindness, we reap love and kindness. Is this what your children see daily in your marriage? Mutual submission (Ephesians 5:21) is the secret to a healthy marriage. There must be a willingness to lay down selfishness and tap into the desires of each other on a mutual basis.

If your children see selfless sacrificial love flowing between Dad and Mom, they are ‘reading’ a ‘walking marriage manual’ that will influence their marriages in the future. Marriage is not a 50/50 proposition. Both husband and wife must be willing to give 100% to each other. Each is to forsake all others. Your spouse is to be the most important person in your life after your relationship with God. When your children see how much you value your spouse, it gives them a deep sense of security. You will be setting a foundation of healthiness in marriages for future generations.

If the ‘story’ of your marriage has been harmful instead of healthy, you can choose to change your story today. God’s marriage manual will give your marriage love, joy and peace. I realize this is a total opposite concept than what the world betrays through their actions and their disrespect for marriage. But God’s marriage plan will march us in to a heavenly eternity. I refuse to fall in to the devil’s pit of marriage destruction on this earth. Let’s choose to be a book that is read of all men that portrays God’s righteous plan for marriage.

Carol Clemans is Certified Pastoral Counselor/Christian Life Coach/inspirational Bible teacher for churches/conference. She provides nationwide counseling by phone & web cam – (636) 448-0121. Go to: for teaching CD’s plus over 80 articles. © Carol Clemans – July 2011